
Tuesday 26 November 2013

Queen Of Modesty

The epitome of beauty in whose appearance the heavens adore.
The symbol of purity in whose eyes the star's adorn.

The pride of nations in whose eyes kings are restless.
The fountain of beauty in whose face queens are motionless.

The manure of plants in whose smiles the grains mature.
The rose of flowers in whose miles the brains restore.


Saturday 2 November 2013

Poetic Capsule

MOSQUE has 6 letters so
does CHURCH.

QURAN has 5 letters so
does BIBLE.

LIFE has 4 letters so does

HATE has 4 letters so
does LOVE.

ENEMIES has 7 letters so

LYING has 5 letters so
does TRUTH.

HURT has 4 letters so
does HEAL.

NEGATIVE has 8 letters so

FAILURE has 7 letters so

BELOW has 5 letters so does ABOVE.

CRY has 3 letters so does

ANGER has 5 letters so
does HAPPY.

RIGHT has 5 letters so
does WRONG.

RICH has 4 letters so
does POOR.

FAIL has 4 letters so
does PASS.

KNOWLEDGE has 9 letters
so does IGNORANCE.

Are they all by a

WE should choose wisely,
this means Life is like a double-
edged sword.

WE should always choose
the better side of Life.


Struggle For Mantle

Where the eagle of mantle flies,
there the struggle for mantle l will battle.

Where the battle for mantle rages,
there the struggle for mantle l will battle.

Where the wine of battle drops,
there l will dine to struggle for mantle.

Where the yeast of battle erupts,
there l will feast to struggle for mantle.

Where the groans of unction to function lingers,
there l will be eager to struggle for the drone of mantle.

At the mountain of struggle for mantle,
there l will mount my fountain for battle.
At the ankle of struggle for mantle,
there l will hum my anthem for battle.
At the sickle of battle for mantle,
there l will hunt my struggle for mantle.

On that day when l dangle for the paddle of mantle,
Still l will struggle to battle for mantle.


October To Recover

There at the eve where October planned her suicide,
l embraced praise and worship hoping to recover all that was lost over the years.

There at the gloom where October groaned to dethrone her grains,
l burned my candle hooting to recover the bloom of my dream.

There at the throne where October struggled to end her rule for the year,
l waited to build my drone for the fears ahead.

There at the nest where October decided to rest her neck,
l ragged to set my quest for the task ahead.

There at the mountain where October feed on fears and drank the tears of distress,
l mounted my fountain of hope and coat ahead.

There at the garden of flowers where October watered her field for the last time,
l planted my seeds of expectation and desires.

There at the season where October reasoned the purpose of her living,
l hallowed the Lord in the eve of halloween.

There at the moment of moments where the fate of October was to be determined,
l pleaded to have the grace to embrace November.


Groan To Glory

ln a world where challenges and chaos sweeps my day to night,
there will l groan to glory in grace and ache.

In a time where struggles and grudges of life mourns my sorrow to death,
there will l groan to glory in shame and suffering.

In a season where pains and strains of fears cause me to rain down tears,
there will l groan to glory in my tears of agony and shame.

In a period where loneliness and dilemma expands my heart with sorrow,
there will l groan in glory to drink the wine of suffering and eat the meal of shame.

In a moment where shame becomes my meal and sufferings my meat,
there will l groan to glory in my tough moments and hardship.

At the foot of sorrow, there will l groan to glory in my shame and suffering.
At the root of shame, there will l groan to glory in my pains and tears.
At the heel of tears, there will l groan to glory in my loneliness and aloneness.
At the hill of pains, there will l groan to glory in my struggles and grudges.

In the day when life becomes too hot to face,
and my grief seems so tough to bear;
there will l groan to glory in pains and tears,
until my groans becomes my glory and l groan to glory.

Grace To Glory

In a world where salvation and restoration swaps my darkness to light,
there the grace to glory in praise and grace l will embrace.

In a time where invitation and visitation from above sweeps my groan(bondage) to grace to glory(freedom) ,
there the grace to glory in salvation and restoration from sin l will embrace.

In a season where manifestation and expectation becomes my hunger and thirst,
there the grace to glory in meditation and supplication l will embrace.

In a period where the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit becomes my meal and meat,
there the grace to glory in repentance and independence from sin l will embrace.

In a moment where revelation becomes my feast and vision of heaven my yeast,
there the grace to glory in salvation and ressurrection from death l will embrace.

At the throne of grace, there the grace to glory in my salvation and restoration from bondage l will embrace.
At the shone of salvation, there the grace to glory in my happiness and forgiveness from sin l will embrace.
At the stem of restoration, there the grace to glory in my freedom and depletion from sorrow l will embrace.
At the realm of freedom, there the grace to glory in my redemption and petition from shame l will embrace.

In the day when my feet is lifted up above the sky and my eyes groomed in white robes,
there the grace to glory in salvation and restoration l will embrace.


Fight My Battle

There where difficulty erupts like a volcano,
l will seek solace in God my Creator.

There where the sorrow and horror of life meets in a border,
l will seek refuge in God my warrior.

There where loneliness becomes my food and cragginess my mood,
l will seek companion with God my anchor.

There where the struggles and grudges of life giggles me to my face,
l will embrace the grace to praise my God.

There where the pains of life cause me to rain down tears,
l will groan to praise my Maker.

There where tears becomes my drink and fears my sting,
l will trust and hope in God.

At the foot of worries,
He will console and walk in me.
At the soot of sorrows,
He will uphold and walk with me.
At the mud of mourning,
He will comfort and walk through me.
At the venyard of life,
He will water and work for me.
At the verge of rage,
He will throne and walk around me.

There where all hope is lost and my enemies compass me in battle,
He will defend and fight for my freedom in battle.


Battle For Mantle

ln the realm of the spirit exists the strongest form of battle
a battle only mantle can conquer.

In the realm of the Spiritual exists the greatest form of battle,
a mantle that attracts a battle.

Let the mantle carrier fortify himself for battle
a battle only won by mantle.
It supersedes other battles.

Every mantle attracts a battle,
therefore seek to attack than defend.
The anointing from the mantle attracts resistance from the adversary.

Never give up your mantle for the battle,
knowing your conviction is your condition.


Impossibility Is Nothing

In a life of struggle and feeble mind,
there lives a heart where impossibility is nothing.

In a jungle of justice for justice and equity,
there a brave heart groomed in fears abides and dines to doom the impossibility of life.

In a heart where life seems so tough to pass through,
there a warrior rooted and rugged drinks the agony of life.

In the adventure of life a brave entity lays down it's life to engrave the hearts of men,
that they that behold may run that hear and see his heart.

In a heart lived a vision where possibility is tamed the warriors heart,
and impossibility is dined with as food and water.

In a land where impossibility is nothing,
there will l dine and drink the cup of impossibility to possibility. 


Adieu Papa

The Brave Lion has be deprived the pride of His bride in the jungle of life.
The Mighty Tree has been hewned down by the dreaded wind of death.

Night has swallowed morning in the broad day light.
Darkness has hollowed light in the noon day harshness.

The white sheep of the family has been stained by the dirt of death.
The Papa of the house has been poisoned by the serpent of death.

The Mighty Elephant has fallen at the might of death.
The Father Whale has left the shores of life to the sore land beyond.

The journey of life has been shortened by the castle of death.
The Burden Bearer has been denied his load by the rabble of death.

I know it is a journey of no return,
but live well with the glorious beings.
When you get to the road full of loads,
Salute the dwellers of the road and there drop your load.

The heat of the one who brought me into this world, and made me who l am.
Your thought will forever remain green in my memory.

Oh! Death!
Is it because you have no Pride (father) that you deprived me of my Pride?
Tell me.
Is it because you have no Bride that you denied father the Pride of his Bride?

Oh! Father!
Will you ever come back to enjoy the Pride of your Bride? 
