
Tuesday 24 September 2013

Counsellors Darkening Counsels

In the multitude of counselors; safety abounds,
ln the multitude of enemies as counselors;
deceit abounds.

Counselors whose heart studieth destruction with lips uttering mischief;
Enemies clothed with sheep clothings as friends;
Friends whose tongues uttereth words born in deception.

Counselors whose mouth darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge;
Enemies made counselors whose looks appeareth friendly,
Friends whose mouth draweth iniquity by cords of vanity.

Counselors who utter counsels coated in corruption,
Friends whose mouth worseneth counsel by words without wisdom;
Enemies whose heart pondereth in destruction.

Counselors whose counsel are coiled in deception,
Friends who by multitudes of words cause you to err;
Enemies whose mouth captivate tender hearts.

Counselors whose counsel destroy the paths of relationships,
Friends whose conceit counsel to death;
Enemies being enslaved seek to enslave others.

Believe not every counsel neither inculcate every word,
........... They destroy the heart..........
Believe not every friend neither heed to multitudes of words,
........... They enslave the soul............
Believe not every counsellor neither seek counsels from multitudes;
.......... They captive the mind...........

Which counsel shall we inculcate?
Which counselors shall we believe?
Which counselors shall we seek?

Inculcate counsels proved by love,
Believe counselors whose counsel are weighed by truth and peace;
Seek counselors whose counsel are words of life.

Who shall our counselors be?

Let counselors who are genuine and experienced be our guide;
Let counselors who are higher and honest be our refuge.

Hope you find counselors whose counsels are candid;
lt takes honest counselors to ensure your safety.

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