
Thursday 3 October 2013

Bloom Of Youth

Your day will come little girl, little girl,
Be patient today and tomorrow.
Sip gently the nectar of awakening love,
Deep drafts are harbingers of sorrow.*
Guard wisely the blush of your opening bud-
One blossom is all you're allotted.
The body betrays and the heart is deceived
In throes of first passion besotted.
For many a dewdrop of love comes your way
To pluck at impatient heart strings,
But dew drops evaporate in the sun's ray,
Sip gently awaiting well-springs.
That first gentle thrill as your petals unfurl,
Like a breeze passing over the skin,
Can turn to a tempest and rage uncontrolled
To lead you astray from within.
Pluck not the bud and hand careless away-
No bud that is plucked ever blossoms
'Til down the footpaths of your slated day
True love will at last come a-walking.

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