
Tuesday 1 October 2013

Choice Of Life

Yeah just do what they said
Smoke that shit till your dead
Is that what you want your life to be?
I don't know about you but that's too much for me

I do what i want whenever i feel
Its really not hard to say no, don't keep it inside you sealed
Let your voice be heard by every single soul
Just keep to your own life and reach your goals

Why would you even think of that
Mine as well meet your head with the full swing from a baseball bat
If they are telling you what to do
Now seriously, think of who is the fool

You follow their ways and their very footsteps
Just to fit into this world even when distressed
I'm telling you this here and now
Not everyone is friendly so don't make your vow

You will notice in life there are good and bad
Those that want to take you to make you glad
There are also those ones that are corrupt from the start
Those are the bastards that will get you shot dead in the heart

They will make it seem like they have your back
They are the ones that always yell attack
When you are ready to go in and fight
For the loyalty of that so called friend with all your might

As you get beat down to the floor
You know what he does? runs for the door
Now who do you really call for
The ones you left behind way before?

The ones that let you speak your mind
The ones that let you stay behind
The ones that led you through your life
The ones that made you smile, even when in the greatest strife

So this is what you have to do
Don't let them get anywhere near you
Just do me a favor and live your life the way you want
Don't let them get to you, not even their taunts

Just push them far far away
If they don't let you say
What you want to when you do
Cause if they don't you are in for a true

Hell like place full of mistakes
Only because you followed them and picked up that rake
You took it and put it to use
Now you murdered a guy, good game you lose

That is why you must say goodbye
To anyone that wont let you speak out and try
Doing things on your own is good
As long as you know why and its understood

So live your life to the fullest extent
Don't take your life and make a big dent
Right in the center of your warm bloody heart
Next time turn away, come on be smart

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