
Tuesday 1 October 2013

Power Of Mindset

Do me a favor and take the time
To read these thoughts of mine
Please take them all to heart
They are all tearing me apart

I need some guidance from above
I am lost and confused, have no more love
For anyone or anything
Only hanging on by a string

I am working so hard just to get by
Fighting to live not to die
Guess what though that's not true
Everything I fight for will die too

Sooner than you would think
Time flies by so fast, don't blink
I feel like everything i do
Is as useless as my own view

Through my eyes I can only see so far
Through the brain you can see beyond the stars
So I do just that and think only the real
Agony, suffering, and pain is all i can feel

So many people around me every day
Yet I feel like I'm alone with nothing to say
Always lost and always confused
Mistreated, bruised, and misused

No one cares about what I have to say
What I think about anything to this day
My words and thoughts go in your ear
Then right back out the other just to disappear

I wish someone would listen to me just one time
Take me seriously in this rhyme
I want you to take off your shoes
Put on mine and look around through my views

I would like to see how you get by
Sitting there every day getting high
Think that will pass the day
Then before bed at night sit and pray

Pray for the loved ones that you have close
Never let them drift away like a ghost
This is how I treat all the others
I get nothing in return as it smothers

My heart getting dull with no more feeling
Find myself down and never healing
From these scars that are internal
Forever burning like a corrupted infernal

Finding myself getting less sleep every night
Don't worry about me ill be alright
That's what I will tell you if you ask
Only because you don't need this tedious task

To help me though all of my struggles
They are mine not yours to juggle
If i am to give up or fail
Please don't try to follow my trail

You need to keep on going strong
This is my fate don't get me wrong
Just hear me out and see through my mask
Don't ever hesitate to ask

If you have something on your mind
Spit it out because you can never rewind
You can never go back and fix mistakes
Only going forward to more and more aches

This is how I feel
This is me, This is real
There's nothing I can say or do
To change how I grew

Into this cold and lonely state
Not ever being able to see straight
There is way too much weight
I have to carry along on my plate

So as I hold all this stress up high
Waiting for it to pass me by
Everything that i get
Puts me deeper into debt

Nothing in life is promised on any day
Life goes so fast there's never a delay
Getting older by the hour
Falling apart like the two towers

That the government always lies about
Twisting our minds there is no doubt
All the news that we take in
You believe that crap? I can't even begin

To explain my thoughts about all that
Why are we still over there in combat?
Uncle Sam wants your blood for oil
Fighting over in the desert soils

Why are we even fighting at that?
Why did the towers fall down flat?
We are all of the same kind
Born onto this earth gifted with a mind

That can shift and shape anything around
All living on the same ground
Stop acting like selfish pricks
Lets all work together before time ticks

Down to its last seconds when the sun burns out
Then were all fucked there's no doubt
We need to look to the bigger issues
Wipe up the smaller ones with tissues

No need to fight over money and greed
That's exactly why we all lead
The life that we do rich or poor
Every day trying to find the cure

To unknown diseases that people get
The world itself is the biggest threat
The bacteria and natural corruption
Is what we need to worry about without interruption

Now you know most of how I think
They come to me in thick blank ink
I don't know how or why
Take what i said in vein or leave it to die

Its your choice on what you do
Its your life not mine to choose
Just don't mess up, there's no going back
Once you are lost you stay off track

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